Roaring Fountain Bulletins,
Stories, and Fundraising Projects
The material in this section consists of stories, newsletter publications, fundraising projects, personal experiences, and one's journey through personal transformation. The readers should keep in mind that, unlike the previous pages on Bahá’í Sacred Writings, this page is based on personal impressions and opinion. The objective is to generate discourse in our society about our individual roles in the betterment of the world, to create an environment of research and self-realization, to spark a vision towards the real purpose of giving tied to the world civilization envisioned by Bahaullah, to awaken our spirits towards generosity, to develop a deeper understanding of sacrifice, and to encourage personal familiarization with the sacredness of the Bahá’í Fund.
Needless to say, the majority of us have come to the Bahá’í Faith from nine major religions from all parts of the world. We bring to our Bahá’í communities an understanding of what God expected from us in the bygone ages. But we must bring ourselves to Bahá’u’lláh's New Era of consciousness. To do this, we must make a deliberate effort to train our hearts and minds about the nature of generosity and sacrifice.
Bahá’u’lláh has forever changed the definition of giving in the path of God. The religions of the past developed us to give "something." Bahá’u’lláh is going to develop us to give "generously." We can do it, but we have to try to develop ourselves. God is aware of our new capacities in this New Era of humanity's adolescence, and therefore has prescribed us to be generous and give with absolute sacrifice.
Let conversations on generosity and sacrifice become part of our daily services to mankind, and wherever we live let's practice and develop these sacred characteristics. Shoghi Effendi says, we must "be continually giving out for the good of our fellows."